About the Author

Born in the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge, Irene M. Drago developed a keen interest in every kind of watercraft at an early age. Before moving to Maine, she worked for the Defense Department as a Russian analyst, earned a Master of Arts degree in Spanish language and literature, and taught at the high school and college level. Her debut novel, Daughters of Long Reach, was a 2018 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Winner, First Novel and led to a sequel, The Maine Point. More recently, Lavinia Wren and the Sailmakers is a 2023 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist, Regional Fiction. If Drago isn’t penning a story, you’re apt to find her giving a shipyard tour at Maine Maritime Museum or leading a creative writing workshop. But in fair weather, there’s a good chance you’ll find her piloting her Maritime Skiff on Casco Bay.