Bushnell’s Sterling Review

American poet Walt Whitman (1819-1892) once wrote: “As soon as histories are properly told there is no need of romances.” But Bath author Irene Drago might prove him wrong. – Bill Bushnell

Drago’s debut novel, “Daughters of Long Reach,” is an ambitious yet charming blend of history and romance set across two centuries and several generations of families living in Bath, along the Long Reach portion of the Kennebec River. This is a shipbuilding, seafaring, family love story, folding in real history and real people, with thoughtful fiction to fill out this clever tale. –Bill Bushnell

Open the link below and scroll down to Bushnell’s sterling review of ‘Daughters of Long Reach.’

BUSHNELL ON BOOKS: ‘Harbor of Spies’ and ‘Daughters of Long Reach’